SavviVille Enhanced Community Listing
Use this form to create your Enhanced Listing on the SavviVille Streatham App.
*Please note, if you are a local business, and not a charity or not-for-profit organisation, you need to complete the 'Business Enhancement' form which is available here.
Your details NOT PUBLISHED on the SavviVille App
(*required fields)
Details to be published on the SavviVille app
- Organisation listing
- Address
- Pin on the interactive phone map (with directions for customers)
- Organisation description
- Opening hours
- One-click Instant call phone number
- One-click email link
- One-click website link
- Category listing x3
- Listing thumbnail
- Up to x5 photos
Choose up to 3 categories
Choose up to 5 images to showcase your organisation
Describe your organisation* (approx 250 words)
Organisation opening hours
Agree and submit form
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Please check the form and try again.
(There may be a short delay whilst checking your details.
Please allow up to 30 seconds for your form to be submitted)