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Continue to add your events below.

Your contact details (Required for each listing - these details do not appear on your listing)

Details to be published on the SavviVille App

Event date

Start time

End time

Choose up to three categories

Describe your event* (approx 250 words)

*Required. Your event description to appear in SavviVille App - please include ticket price/concessions, age restrictions etc. You can include hyperlinks to a website and social channels, but be aware this may detract viewers from purchasing tickets via the RSVP link.

Upload an image to showcase your event

(NB Text on posters will be too small to read - simple header images work best - landscape 500 x 300 pixels)

Select your image

An error occurred.

Please check the form and try again.

Thank you.

Your event has been submitted

(There may be a short delay whilst checking your details.

Please allow up to 30 seconds for your form to be submitted)

Once all 10 events have been submitted, you must go to the payment page to publish your events.

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